Employee development has been rife with jargon and flashy new learning technologies. The biggest reason for this transformation is that the way employees used to learn has changed dramatically over the past few years. Microlearning solutions have always been the best of the new learning techniques that have been made.

Millennials, Generation Z, and baby boomers want to be able to learn on the go. Gen Z is 67% more likely to desire to work for an organization that encourages lifelong learning and helps them develop the skills necessary to enhance their careers.

Microlearning is a form of e-learning that allows employees to learn at their own pace and learn new skills whenever and wherever they need them. Microlearning solutions enable employees to access important information easily and apply it immediately in their job roles. Learning is enhanced when content is presented in manageable bits.

According to research, if new information is not reinforced, employees might forget 50 and 80% of it. It could be an effective method of providing learners with up-to-date information and assisting them in constantly improving their performance.

The Basics of Microlearning

In his book Three-minute eLearning, learning expert Ray Jimenez, Ph.D., says that L&D teams who use microlearning may cut development expenses by 50% and speed up development by 300%. These statistics demonstrate the clear and substantial benefits of using microlearning solutions as a tool for training, particularly in terms of cost savings and speed.

Microlearning solutions are based on a few basic principles, similar to any other learning method. These fundamental principles lay the foundation for an organization’s microlearning training approach.

Accessible and mobile-friendly

The mobile-friendly nature of microlearning solutions makes it easy for learners to access them online. Learners can learn while they are on the move, from their smartphones, tablets, and other handheld devices.

Multiple media formats

Microlearning solutions are delivered in multiple media formats, enhancing learner engagement and experience. Videos, animations, and infographics help in courses interesting and memorable.

Single learning outcome

Unlike long courses, microlearning courses focus on a single learning outcome. This helps learners focus on their personalized learning pathway and makes them less distracted from any other related concept.

Six Best Practices to Ensure Successful Training Programs

A microlearning course may be created and finished far more quickly than a traditional course. Of course, there are some guidelines that learning leaders should follow to develop the best microlearning solution.

Understand the target audience

L&D teams can only use one microlearning solution to address the learners’ training needs. They should consider different employee profiles, locations, learning modules, seniority, and other factors to chalk out a training plan for the target audience. This approach will help understand the pain points and ensure the creation of learning content that is appropriate, relevant, and useful.

Evaluate the use case

Not every training program needs a microlearning solution. Microlearning is not a good choice when the training topic is complex and requires in-depth training or calls for in-person training. Nevertheless, microlearning can still be useful for further training that complements macro-learning.

Cut the content

Copying the content from a regular eLearning course and pasting it into a microlearning module doesn’t work. It is imperative to keep the content less when time is a significant factor. It is recommended to develop short, focused learning content that captures the overall essence of the topic.

Blend multiple mediums

The usage of text in the microlearning solutions can bore the learners and lessen their engagement. Using several multimedia formats, including animations, graphics, and videos, is advised to retain learners’ attention. This provides learners access to information most suited to their attention spans and leverages the underlying science of learning, making the experience more engaging for a broader audience.

Use micro-assessments

Assessments are critical to gauge learners’ progress, whether for an eLearning course or a microlearning module. Mini tests and short quizzes ensure that learners work toward their training objectives. Verifying the learner’s knowledge from the microlearning training module is a good practice to ensure that microlearning meets its objectives and ROI.

Plan content release

Employees and new hires are often eager to learn everything they can about their new position and the organization as soon as they join. When all knowledge is available at once, there is a possibility that learners will not remember it. Instead, it is essential to maintain the momentum and enhance information transfer and microlearning content using time-released content, which is made available to learners at regular intervals.


Microlearning is a popular approach to workplace learning for a reason. Microlearning solutions frequently employ mobile devices and nudges within the flow of work to capture learners’ attention. This learning method is beneficial as it allows employees to easily retain information, enabling them to apply their new knowledge without delay.

Microlearning solutions are among the most effective methods for enhancing a workforce’s skills. Get in touch with Infopro Learning if you’re looking for first-rate microlearning solutions to foster development in your employees.

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