
With increased demand for digital learning, L&D is moving rapidly towards virtual training. Today, remote workforce must be continually supported with learning that is relevant, easily accessible and impactful.

Virtual Trainings are the reality of the new normal and global organizations are fast adapting to the virtual format to train their remote employees. While the technology is in place, expert instructors available and learning content aligned to Virtual Delivery, L&D still struggles with delivering learner experience through Virtual Trainings due to lack of experience across different platforms and the inability to multi-task around the different activities during the virtual training session.

Hosting and Moderation services helps gain overall ROI of training by providing the best of Learning experience, platform and technology utilization and a seamless process of training.

How We Work

We follow a three-phase process for Virtual Training Success with our Hosting and Moderation offering.

01. Checks and measures

Before the start of the session, the host or the moderator of the virtual training conducts a series of checks and measures to make sure that the session is successful.

02. Link creation

This includes creating classroom links and setting-up the virtual classroom.

03. Dry runs

The moderator also conducts a dry run with the Instructor/Facilitator to make sure that the session goes without a glitch.

04. Content sharing

All shareable material and other collaterals are also shared with participants.

05. Virtual Labs

The moderator sets up the virtual lab, if it is included in the session and creates a survey link that can be shared with the participants.

01. Introductions

At the start of the training session, the host or moderator conducts the introduction and icebreaker sessions.

02. Tech-Overview

A technology overview is shared with all the participants to make sure the session goes well. If, by chance there is an unforeseen glitch, the host also does the troubleshooting during the session.

03. Monitoring Chat

The host also monitors and manages the chat function to make sure it is utilized well.

04. Breakout sessions

The moderator also conducts and manages breakouts and launches the virtual labs.

05. Survey & Feedback

At the conclusion of the session, the moderator also conducts the participants' survey to provide feedback to the instructors and training managers.

01. Report creation

After the session is completed, the host or the moderator prepares all the client reports. The host also prepares and shares all the attendance and survey reports.

02. Query resolutions

Any issue that occurs up during the session is also addressed and resolved by the moderator. Questions and Answers are also taken up by the moderator with an action-plan for follow up. Finally, they also make sure that the sessions are recorded, edited, and shared with all participants.

Business Benefits

Hosting and Moderation services help to deliver a seamless learning experience by leveraging technology and digital platforms.

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