As opportunities for career development continue to become a high priority for today’s top talent and as organizations work towards closing skills gaps microlearning is quickly becoming a popular learning solution. This is in part due to this strategies ability to address some of today’s most common training challenges.

Organizations need training solutions that are engaging, accessible, easy to update, improve performance and make a measurable impact on their core objectives. At first glance this may seem like a tall order, but the microlearning strategies modular design has been able to help organizations overcome some of the most challenging l&d hurdles.

In this article we will share with you some the top reasons microlearning has become one of the best strategy’s organizations can use to engage modern learners.

Increased Knowledge Retention

Your corporate training programs are only useful if they can improve employee performance. This means that your corporate training materials will need to be memorable so employees can apply this new knowledge on the job. Unfortunately, it has been found that people forget about 50% of what they learn within an hour (1). This finding is called the Ebbing Haus Forgetting Curve.

The good news is that breaking down learning activities into small digestible chunks that last ten minutes or less has been proven to boost long term knowledge retention rates by as much as 90%(1). The microlearning format generally breaks topics down into learning modules that usually last between 3-7 minutes and focus on a single topic at a time increasing knowledge retention.

Accelerates the Training Process

Microlearning can also help employees learn the skills they need faster. Microlearning content is broken down into short individual pieces of content. This makes it easier to deliver more personalized learning experiences to employees. Learners can access the specific pieces of content they need and learn about a particular topic in just minutes compared to longer formats that may take hours before reaching the information they need.

Employees often have different skill levels, roles and learning styles. Microlearning speeds up the training process by allowing learners to access the most relevant information right when they need it.

Boosts Engagement Rates

Microlearning has been proven to increase learner engagement rates. In fact, in a recent study it was found that more than 50% of employees would participate in their organizations learning and development programs if they were in a shorter format (2). Microlearning is also often paired with a blended learning strategy utilizing multiple training methods such as video-based learning and scenario-based learning further driving engagement.

Higher ROI

Microlearning has quickly become a popular eLearning favorite in part by its ability to reduce costs and deliver measurable results. According to L&D professional Ray Jimenez, PhD microlearning can reduce the cost of professional development programs by 50% (3). When organizations use a microlearning strategy they reduce costs because this format does not need an instructor, a venue or travel costs like more traditional methods such as instructor led programs.

In Closing

Whether your organization is working towards improving your employee’s customer service skills, soft skills training or developing a management training program, implementing a microlearning design may be something you want to consider. Microlearning is fully customizable making it easier to meet the needs of individual employees, improve performance and boost your bottom line. Learn all you need to know about microlearning in the eBook Microlearning Strategies for Corporate Learners.

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