Covid19 impacted the business world in numerous ways. Many employees now work from home, and business models have shifted. Several jobs became obsolete while entirely new roles were created. Companies also adopted software to adapt to the new business scenario.

These changes impacted the learning and development programs for enterprise companies in nearly every industry. Training outsourcing quickly became a popular solution. Training industry professionals helped businesses fill talent gaps and adapt new online training programs to meet the remote workforce’s needs.

Although most businesses have learned to adapt to the new normal, another wave of change is on the horizon. With restrictions beginning to lift, organizations are now thinking about their future business goals and training strategies.

Outsourced training providers are now helping business leaders develop learning strategies to increase their companies’ agility and resilience. To help you better navigate the world of training outsourcing, we have created a list of four tips for enterprise organizations to follow for successful outsourcing in the future.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Your Current L&D programs

Now is the right time to measure the ROI and effectiveness of your current corporate training programs. This is true for organizations that have gone through significant changes such as adopting new technologies, launching new products, or having a newly distributed workforce. These kinds of changes impact the effectiveness of your training and development initiatives.

Learner needs are not likely the same as they were just a year ago. It is also advisable to go through a process of evaluation if you haven’t made any changes or updates to your learning programs over the last year.

Working with an outsourced training provider with a strategic process and a proven method for evaluating program effectiveness can help your company get the most of its training investments. An experienced provider will show you their evaluation and optimization process and often have case studies to prove they have had success with evaluation.

Updating Your Current Learning Strategy

Developing a post Covid19 learning strategy can help improve your organization’s resilience and ability to adapt to future disruption. The pandemic caused many organizations to think about resilience, preparedness, and the ability to adapt to change.

Covid19 also brought to light the importance of quality employee learning programs. The need for reskilling has boomed in the last year, and an organization’s ability to deliver quality training materials quickly gives them a competitive edge.

Working with an outsourced training provider will give you access to professional tools and training industry experts. They know the ins and outs of L&D and will be able to help you develop a winning strategy that helps your business achieve its goals.

Consolidating Your Outsourced Learning Vendors

It is not uncommon for enterprises to collaborate with different training service vendors to complete different projects. Although this strategy can sometimes speed up the development and delivery process, vendor management can become both expensive and time-consuming and increase the margin of errors that could potentially be made. This is why managed learning service providers have been growing in popularity.

A managed training partner is different from typical learning vendors. Instead of specializing in a single area of the training industry, these organizations provide end-to-end services and have the ability to assist you with all of your L&D needs. They can often dedicate an entire team of experts to help you scale your projects whenever you may need to.

Selecting an Outsourced Provider That Utilizes an Outcomes-Based Approach

The approach your outsourced provider uses matters. One of the most common reasons employee training programs fail is because they were not correctly aligned with the companies business goals. Even the most innovative, modern learning experiences will produce poor results if they were not designed to help the company attain its objectives. Most training programs are developed using a model that ends with business benefits.

An outsourced provider that uses an outcomes-based approach begins with aligning each learning objective with a specific business outcome. Whether the goal is to improve employee performance or increase software adoption rates, proper alignment will maximize the effectiveness of your L&D programs.

Final Word

Today learning and development have become a high priority for business leaders. An organization’s L&D programs directly impact its ability to navigate disruption. Working with an outsourced training provider can help your organization in several ways. An experienced provider can help your business evaluate the current state of its L&D programs for optimization. An outsourced managed services provider can also help you develop a business-aligned post Covid19 strategy. Learn more about navigating the future and listen to the podcast, Removing Risk by Focusing on Outcomes.

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