Covid-19 has played a significant role in shaping the modern workplace. Businesses in every industry had to make changes to adapt to the disruptive environment over the last year. Among these changes are digital transformation and the adoption of remote or hybrid workplace models. The accelerated rate of change caused a growing need for employee reskilling and training programs for modern learners.

In a recent study by Udemy, 62% of L&D professionals shared that closing skills gaps were their number one priority. Another 46% shared that they focused on implementing learning programs that drive organizational growth (1).

Learning and development programs are no longer a “nice to have” option for your employees. They have become drivers of change. They support both business processes and drive business results.

Strategically developing and implementing quality employee reskilling programs is a massive undertaking that often takes a considerable amount of time. Outsourcing with a trusted L&D provider can help your organization deliver quality learning experiences quickly and effectively. Managed service providers offer end-to-end L&D service offerings which you can leverage. There are three ways a managed training service provider can help your organization streamline your employee reskilling programs.

Developing a New Strategy to Meet Modern Learner Needs

If you didn’t update your learning strategy last year, your business could likely use an update. The skills employees need the most have changed. Many organizations have implemented new software or tech, and effective learning delivery methods also look different from what they did just a year ago. A managed learning services provider will have the expert-level knowledge and processes to develop a solid strategy for employee reskilling.

An experienced provider will have a strategic process for aligning your learning programs with your business’s goals. They will be able to help your business assess the current state of your L&D programs and make changes so they support your business’s goals for the future.

Training outsourcing will also give you access to training industry professionals who know the latest and most effective training methods. They will know which delivery methods will help you increase employee engagement and overcome barriers to learning.

Filling Urgent Learning Talent Gaps

Managed learning providers offer end-to-end services; this often includes instructor facilitation. They can easily help your business fill urgent learning talent gaps that slow the employee training process. Digital transformation has increased the need for learning talent. Professional trainers are needed now more than ever.

An outsourced provider can help your business quickly fill talent gaps. They assist your business by recruiting, onboarding, and training new learning staff. This increases scalability without impacting the size of your internal L&D teams.

Setting up a Strategic Process for Training Optimization and Updates

For many organizations, 2020 was about survival. However, now in 2021, organizations focus on building resiliency and increasing their ability to adapt to change. The current business environment is constantly changing, which impacts training content and materials. Failing to update learning content quickly can confuse and equip your employees with the wrong information. Regularly reviewing and updating your learning programs maximizes training effectiveness.

An outsourced provider can help your business set up a strategic process to measure the effectiveness of your training programs. Managed partners offer services such as tracking and reporting that you can use to optimize your employee training courses.

They can ensure that you are evaluating relevant metrics such as quantitative data. Employee surveys can provide valuable insights and have grown in popularity. There has been an 11% increase in employee surveys in the last year(2). An experienced Outsourcing provider will help you ask the right questions to get the most out of your efforts.

Final Word

The impact of Covid-19 accelerated the rate of change and digital transformation like we have never seen before. These changes and disruptions shed light on the importance of preparedness and business agility. Implementing high-quality reskilling programs can help your business engage modern learners and increase its ability to adapt to change. Working with a managed learning provider is one of the best ways you can tackle modern training challenges. They also can help you streamline your learning programs so you can focus on your company’s core adjectives. Learn how you can leverage an outsourced provider and read the eBook Managed Learning Outlook for 2021.

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