Last year Covid-19 disrupted the workforce and accelerated changes we did not expect to see for several years. Organizations digitally transformed to keep up with the restrictions that were put in place. L&D leaders quickly adjusted Pre-pandemic learning strategies to meet the needs of remote teams. Employees in every industry had to learn new skills to keep up with these changes. Training outsourcing quickly became a fast and effective solution for enterprise organizations that needed high-quality learning and development programs to meet the changing needs of the modern workforce.

Now, as organizations develop their plans for the future, they are focusing on strategies to build resiliency and agility. Digital learning solutions are no longer looked at as a temporary fix. Custom eLearning programs have become the new standard. Business leaders and L&D professionals are working together to develop learning plans that support both business strategy and goals.

One easy and highly effective way businesses can streamline their L&D programs is by simplifying the vendor management process by working with an outsourced provider. Enterprise organizations often work with multiple training industry vendors for their L&D needs. One vendor may work on developing custom learning content, while another may focus on training delivery. A managed learning services company can help your business better handle outsourced vendor relationships.

5 Ways a Managed Learning Services Partner can Streamline the Vendor Management Process

Conducting a Needs Analysis

Much has changed over the last year. Enterprise companies often have learning needs that fluctuate and change regularly. A needs analysis can help an organization improve operational efficiency. A managed learning services provider will be able to provide a needs analysis to ensure that all resources are being allocated to the right projects, tasks, and partnerships.

Managing Outsourced Training Provider Contracts

Managing and maintaining contracts can be time-consuming. It also takes a great deal of time and money to hire and train an in-house team member to handle these tasks. Working with an outsourced provider gives you near-instant access to professionals that already have the most accurate and up-to-date skills in contract management.

Vendor Research and Selection

There are a wide variety of training outsourcing companies available today. Many specialize in one or a few key areas. Selecting the right provider will help ensure that your training and development programs are of high quality. An experienced provider will be able to help you find the best vendor to meet your needs and budget. They will have the industry knowledge and resources necessary to find the best fit.

Onboarding and New Provider Integration

A managed learning services provider can assist your business in developing a comprehensive onboarding process to integrate new providers. They can also facilitate this process once it is in place. A standardized onboarding process ensures that new providers will be on the same page and understand expectations right from the start preventing any confusion or miscommunication.

Resolution Services

Unfortunately, there can sometimes be issues that arise while working with outsourced providers. A managed learning partner will have the industry knowledge and experience needed to resolve these problems quickly and efficiently. This will save your internal teams time to focus on your top priorities and core business objectives.

The Benefits of Outsourcing with a Managed Services Provider

Working with a managed learning provider to manage your outsourced vendors is an excellent way to streamline L&D processes and increase the efficiency of your partnerships. A managed learning provider will be able to help you identify opportunities to reduce costs. They will be able to reduce the workload of your internal L&D teams, allowing them to focus on high-priority tasks such as strategy development. Having access to trained professionals will also ensure that best practices and training industry standards are upheld. Learn more about the value of managed learning services and read the eBook Managed Learning Outlook 2021.

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