One of the toughest challenges l&d professionals deal with today is finding ways to engage and train their diverse network of employees. There are several contributing factors including an increase in millennials in the workforce. Millennials are considered to be the most diverse group of individuals in recent history.

Advances in technology have also broken down location barriers. As the global workforce continues to grow employees often have different learning needs. They could have varying levels of experience, learning preferences or live in completely different time zones.

These challenges can be solved with online learning solutions that use custom content to engage learners. Using an experiential approach to learning can help organizations maximize the impact of their learning programs.

What is Experiential Learning?

Experiential learning is the concept of learning by doing. Traditionally this is a more hands on form of learning that is done while on the job. This has been an effective strategy for a long time. However, barriers to in person training can sometimes make this option less than ideal. There are also more risks involved when employees practice certain skills on the job.

Today employees can have experiential learning experiences in a risk free environment in elearning courses that utilize formats such as online simulations.

The Benefits of Experiential Based Learning and Online Simulations

Simulations are a form of elearning content where learners work through real world scenarios they would encounter on the job. They solve problems, take initiative, make decisions and are accountable for the choices they make as well as the outcomes that occur, but in a simulated risk free environment.

Boosting engagement

Simulation based learning is a highly engaging format that uses a blend of rich media to build context around each subject or concept. Simulations are custom elearning solutions that provide a personalized experience for each individual learner.

Easy development process

Simulations can be integrated into an learning program using a microlearning strategy to make the instructional design process that much easier. These custom learning programs are hosted on a learning management system and have built in authoring tools to management simple.

Increased knowledge retention

The experiential format of custom learning simulations helps learners to remember the concepts that they learn. Higher engagement levels and the interactive nature of this training method has the ability to increase employee knowledge retention rates. Retention is essential for training success. If participants do no remember what they have learned there will likely be no lasting change in behavior.

Practice increases knowledge application rates

Giving employees the ability to practice what they have learned provides another valuable benefit. Learners who are able to put what they have learned into action through practice are more likely to apply what they have learned to use in the real world. Practice helps them to not only remember what they have learned, but also the confidence in their ability to execute on the knowledge they have gained.

Final Note

As the way we work, learn and communicate continues to change custom eLearning is quickly becoming a go to solution for industry leaders. As more organizations switch to remote work models engaging online learning programs have grown in popularity. Implementing experiential learning is one of the best ways you can break down barriers to learning and increase the success of your employee training programs.

Learn more about how Infopro Learning helped a nonprofit organization work to close a skills gap in the case study Video-Based Mobile Learning Program

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