Modern organizations have changed the way they conduct business. Employee training, which was often an ignored aspect of the corporate strategy, is now at the forefront. Successful companies have modified their strategies and implemented training initiatives to include eLearning programs, microlearning courses, virtual instructor-led training (VILT), and more.

However, developing these training programs requires time, expertise, and money. That’s when companies turn to training outsourcing or utilizing external resources for the management of training processes. Training outsourcing helps companies improve scalability, deliver high-quality learning experiences, cut training costs and deliver the desired results.

Increasing Popularity of Training Outsourcing in the Past Years

In the last few years, there has been a significant increase in activity in the training outsourcing market. The outsourcing training process is different from contracting a training company to deliver one-off courses or simply manage development projects. The highlight of training process outsourcing is that it includes a strategic engagement that is more intricate and involves critical steps to reduce a company’s risks. In addition, pricing models are different to provide additional benefits on training budgets.

Before going to the market for proposals, organizations should understand their capabilities and the business requirements of a potential supplier. It is vital to follow a process that minimizes risks and the costs of engagement. All risks considered, in many cases, training outsourcing is the perfect solution.


Advantages of Training Outsourcing

Many learning and development (L&D) professionals wonder whether outsourcing is a good fit for their company.  Here are some benefits of training outsourcing to help businesses decide:

Global Scope

Due to globalization, companies with teams in countries across the globe need high-quality training solutions for their employees. Hiring a training outsourcing partner can make the development and delivery of these solutions simpler. These partners might be familiar with the location and culture and most likely know the language where the learners will attend the training. This will also help reduce travel costs.

Increased Results

Businesses need to train their employees on new procedures or programs, and they need to do it in a quick fashion. This can sometimes be difficult for organizations with L&D teams that already have a full workload. That’s when training outsourcing companies can be the solution, as they dedicate an entire team of experienced training professionals and subject matter experts (SMEs) to an initiative, which considerably speeds up development and implementation.

Reduce Cost

The most important benefit of outsourcing is that it can reduce costs. When companies outsource their learning solutions, they don’t have to worry about the expenses of doing it all in-house. Companies avoid having to find and recruit training talent and spend time and money to train them. A successful training company already has both the talent and the tools to deliver training programs at a low cost.

Enhance Scalability

Each company’s training needs will vary and depend on the market and its strategy. Some businesses may need training programs or update that they already have. For instance, if an organization introduces a new software, they will need a bigger team to promptly create the required training programs to support that initiative. All these can be managed better when businesses outsource with a training partner. Outsourcing will provide flexibility regarding the scalability and scope of their training initiatives.


Many businesses focus on diminishing and stabilizing their budgets but ignore the effectiveness of training. Training outsourcing allows companies to access training delivery, content development, technical expertise, and scalability not available within their business.

No matter the industry type or size of your organization, learning, and development are essential to the business’s expansion. With growing pressure from managers to keep operational costs down while still focusing on learning and development, companies are gradually opting to outsource their training and development. (1)

To know more about how you can drive performance and outcomes with training, read the eBook: A Trusted Guide to Outsourcing Talent and How to Go About it.

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