A Forbes survey revealed that 59% of employees have received no workplace training. This points to a noteworthy trend wherein a considerable portion of the workforce opts for self-learning despite understanding the significance of training for individual growth and team progress.

Today’s businesses face many challenges when it comes to training their workforce. One big problem is that there aren’t enough qualified people with the right skills and experience to do the training. At the same time, there are not enough important components like resources and tools needed for specific tasks. The digital divide also makes things harder, as some people can’t access electronic devices, the internet, or digital tools for training. Another issue is that the systems that assess how well the training works aren’t good enough. Setting up, testing, and making training solutions work for diverse requirements takes a long time. Fixing these problems is important for businesses willing to stay ahead in the changing world of work.

In this space, we bring you Training Infrastructure as a Service with the right talent for your L&D needs. This solution includes their expertise and provides a full range of training tools. The upcoming section will discuss Training Infrastructure as a Service and L&D talent in detail.

Finding Passionate L&D Professionals: Skills, Culture, and Growth

Effective talent acquisition in L&D necessitates a multifaceted approach. Traditional hiring methods must be complemented by a deep search for individuals possessing a unique blend of technical expertise, creative thinking, and a nuanced grasp of evolving pedagogical approaches. The ideal L&D professional transcends mere knowledge dissemination, becoming an architect of innovative learning experiences seamlessly aligned with organizational goals.

Prioritizing the identification of candidates with the requisite skills and a genuine passion for continuous learning fosters a workforce equipped to navigate change and ensure long-term success. In the quest for L&D talent, the focus must extend beyond qualifications, encompassing a commitment to cultivating a culture of perpetual learning, thus contributing significantly to organizational growth and adaptability.

Getting help from L&D talent providers can help you find experienced professionals for different jobs in the L&D industry. These experts have been chosen carefully, and they consist of the following roles:

  • Instructional Designers
  • Facilitators
  • Moderators
  • Project Managers
  • Training Coordinators
  • LMS Administrators
  • eLearning Developers
  • Learning Strategists

You select professionals that match your organization’s distinct needs and goals. At Infopro Learning, our adaptable engagement choices cater to your precise L&D talent requirements:

  • Short-term Engagement
  • Long-term Engagement
  • Contractual Engagement

Enhance your learning and development initiatives with the appropriate talent, ensuring a strategic and impactful approach to employee growth and organizational success.

Training Infrastructure as a Service: From Streamlined Infrastructure to Effective Training

Navigating the ever-changing business landscape requires efficient and effective operations. That’s where Training Infrastructure as a Service comes in, providing a comprehensive suite of services and infrastructure support for seamless collaboration between smooth-running operations and successful training implementation.

Services & Infrastructure Support from a Training Infrastructure as a Service provider:

  • Facilities Management: Training Infrastructure as a Service provides expertise in managing physical facilities, ensuring a conducive environment for various activities and operations.
  • Material Management: Efficient handling and management of materials to support different organizational functions.
  • Vendor Management: Training Infrastructure as a Service excels in managing relationships with external vendors, ensuring a smooth collaboration for the organization’s benefit.
  • Financial Management: Expert financial management to optimize budgeting and resource allocation.
  • Remote Learning Support: In the era of remote work and learning, Training Infrastructure as a Service offers robust support to facilitate effective virtual learning experiences.
  • Delivery Platform Management: Management of platforms and systems to facilitate delivering various services and training programs.
  • Process Management: Enhancing efficiency and productivity by streamlining and optimizing internal processes.
  • Quality Management: Ensuring the highest service and infrastructure support standards.
  • Translation & Localization: Proficiency in translating and localizing content to address the needs of varied audiences.
  • Vendor Certification: Certification processes to validate and ensure the competence of external vendors.
  • Analysis and Reporting: Conducting resilient data analysis and generating comprehensive reports to facilitate informed decision-making and support ongoing enhancements.

At Infopro Learning, our approach to training delivery includes:

  • Planning involves strategic alignment, meticulous content development, and logistics planning. Demand for training resources is managed through forecasting, and efficient scheduling optimizes resource utilization. Registration processes and timely material ordering support successful training initiatives.
  • Execution requires detailed session preparation, including logistical and technical organization. Material distribution to participants is done efficiently, and skilled instructors deliver high-quality, effective training sessions. Post-session evaluations identify improvement areas.
  • Wrap-up involves participant feedback, instructor performance assessment, and scrutiny of training content. Training delivery is comprehensively evaluated, and administrative tasks conclude the training cycle.

Maximizing Learning Impact: The Training Infrastructure as a Service Advantage in L&D

Here are some key benefits that make Training Infrastructure as a Service an advantageous choice for your L&D needs:

Cost Efficiency
  • Scalable solutions reduce upfront investments.
  • Implementing the pay-as-you-go model ensures budget predictability.
  • Anytime, anywhere, access to training resources.
  • Empower diverse needs with flexible, self-directed learning.
Flexibility – ILT or VILT
  • Choose between traditional or virtual training formats.
  • Tailor programs to meet diverse learning preferences.
Deployment Speed – On-Site or Remote
  • Rapid deployment with on-site or remote options.
  • Respond promptly to organizational needs with agility.
Global Coverage
  • Consistent training across multiple global locations.
  • Unifies organizational culture and skill sets.
Global Language Support
  • Multiple language support for diverse workforces.
  • Breaks down language barriers to enhance training effectiveness.


Training Infrastructure as a Service, paired with skilled L&D talent, offers a versatile solution for businesses facing training challenges. It optimizes programs, covering essential functions and adapting to remote learning. This scalable and flexible service, accessible anytime, anywhere, caters to diverse needs and evolving demands. Partnering with a Training Infrastructure as a Service provider drives cost efficiency, convenience, and employee growth, ensuring success in today’s dynamic world.

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