Are you about to spend valuable time and resources developing new eLearning content? Before you do, take a moment to read these 9 tips for re-purposing your existing eLearning materials.

How To Repurpose eLearning Content

Recycling may be good for the environment. But it’s also great for your bottom line. Not to mention, your schedule. Repurposing eLearning materials can help you maximize your eLearning resources and reduce development time. In this article, I’ll share 9 tips to repurpose eLearning content that you already have on-hand. Why let valuable eLearning content sit around and collect dust when you can use it time and again?

1. Gather Your Existing eLearning Materials And Tools

Before you can repurpose your eLearning content, you have to take stock of your current eLearning assets. This includes eLearning materials, tools, and human resources. What eLearning content is available? And how can you use your current eLearning tools to transform it into something else? In addition, what skills and talents does your eLearning team possess? After all, they are the ones who take the eLearning materials and transform them into something new and modern.

2. Create A Plan Of Action

Once you have all of your eLearning resources at-the-ready, it’s time to create your plan of action. This may be in the form of an eLearning storyboard, detailed outline, or even a mind map. The key is to map out every aspect of your eLearning course using the puzzle pieces you already have. This also allows you to determine which tools and resources you still require. Meet with your eLearning team to get their input and recommendations. They may even have additional resources or software that you can use in your eLearning strategy.

3. Use A Responsive Design eLearning Authoring Tool

The world of eLearning is moving toward mobile. People need constant access to information, and mobile devices make this possible. As such, you may want to consider a responsive design eLearning authoring tool sooner rather than later. This can save you time and money in the long run. Since you won’t have to worry about transferring all of your new eLearning content to a mobile-friendly platform in the future. Responsive design tools allow you to create a master layout of your eLearning course. The system automatically adjusts the images, text, and other elements based on the mobile device. This also applies to laptops and PCs.

4. Convert eLearning Content Into Simulations, Branching Scenarios And Podcasts

One of the best ways to repurpose your eLearning content is to modernize. Today, interactive eLearning content is a must-have for eLearning courses. Online learners are able to immerse themselves in real-world environments thanks to virtual simulations and branching scenarios. They can see the consequences of their decisions and then adjust their approach accordingly. Podcasts are another great learning tool. On-the-go online learners can listen to bite-size tutorials to get the information they require.

5. Tell A Story

Stats and facts are usually not the most exciting. Not to mention, online learners may find it difficult to remember the important information. Especially if there is a lot to absorb. Fortunately, you can turn your eLearning data into real-world examples, case studies, and stories. A collection of numbers and percentages becomes an emotionally-charged story with interesting eLearning characters and challenges. Just make sure that you outline your plot and figure out how the information fits into the overall arc. The facts should still be the star of the show. The story is nothing more than a compelling vehicle to facilitate immersion and captivate their imagination.

6. Create A Microlearning Online Library

Break larger eLearning courses into microlearning online resources, or add your existing bite-size activities to create a “moment of need” online repository. Create an organized list or database that features links and distinct categories. For example, a section that covers job-related skills, and other that involves compliance topics. The key is convenience. Online learners don’t have the time to sort through all of your eLearning materials to find the necessary information. A microlearning online library makes the process quick and stress-free.

7. Turn Recorded eLearning Events Into Online Tutorials

All of your webinars and live events can be repurposed as online tutorials. You can even integrate supplemental eLearning activities to make it more integrative. For instance, online group collaboration projects and online simulations. Create a detailed elearning course map so that online learners can follow along. In addition, include time stamps to make it easy for them to skip ahead. As an example, they can jump to the 5-minute mark in order to explore a specific task.

8. Transform Data Into Infographics

Another way to repurpose facts and stats is to create an eLearning infographic. This combines data with visuals to improve knowledge retention. For example, pie charts and graphs to illustrate key data points. eLearning infographics are most commonly used to highlight trends. However, you can convert virtually any topic or idea into a visually engaging eLearning tool; from historical timelines to step-by-step walkthroughs.

9. Create An eBook Or Interactive Guide From Existing eLearning Articles

Do you already have a collection of articles on your eLearning site or blog? If so, you may have enough content to create an eLearning eBook or interactive guide. Create a table of contents, format your text, and then produce a PDF. In the case of an interactive guide, simply insert hyperlinks into the document or develop an online video presentation. For instance, a 5-minute video that features an audio narration, images, and sound effects. The secret is to do a thorough edit. You should only include need-to-know information so that online learners don’t get bogged down by text blocks. Include bullet-lists, sub headers, and eye-catching graphics in your eBook or interactive guide design.

Are you sitting on an eLearning gold mine? These 9 tips can help you repurpose your existing eLearning content to create an engaging eLearning course for your online learners. The first step is taking a closer look at the eLearning material you have at your disposal. Then put your lateral thinking cap on and get creative. Resourcefulness is essential for this process.

There are other ways to cut costs when creating an eLearning course. Read the article Tight eLearning Budget: 6 Tips To Create An Amazing Online Training Course to discover some useful tips to develop amazing eLearning experiences on a tight eLearning budget.

And if you’re interested in the process of repurposing eLearning content, see the free ebook Modernize: A Content Strategy Guide for Maximizing Corporate Training ROI.

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