The eLearning industry is booming and will stay in business for a long time. The learning and development (L&D) teams have challenged themselves infinitely to keep up with these frequent transformations. An organization pays the price when L&D teams don’t upgrade their employee training strategies to match the eLearning trends. And for this, they need to keep a keen eye on the latest eLearning trends or the training trends that will dominate the L&D industry.

According to Custom Market Insights (CMI), The global eLearning market size was estimated at USD 210.0 Billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 281 Billion in 2022 and is expected to hit around USD 848.1 Billion by 2030, poised to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.53% from 2022 to 2030. That’s why it’s more crucial than ever to focus on the eLearning trends for 2024 to ensure the organization stays at the forefront of its field.

7 eLearning Trends to Keep an Eye On in 2024

According to the Training Industry report, Trends 2023: Managing Training for a Changing Workplace, in 2023, training budgets is expected to increase by more than 6%, and the global training market to grow by 2%.

Organizations are now focusing on strategizing and investing in their L&D programs at a full scale. But before doing so, learning leaders must know the seven eLearning trends that will dominate the L&D market in 2024 and beyond.


Microlearning has dominated corporate training and development for quite some time and will continue to do so. It all comes down to breaking up a long L&D course into small, bite-sized chunks that are simpler to understand, recall, repurpose, and update. These short nuggets typically range from 3-5 minutes and can be short videos, in-app tooltips, walkthroughs, and more. Learning leaders also incorporate gamification elements in microlearning to make learning more engaging and interesting for learners.

Immersive Learning

With the advancements in technology, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will take an active role in the development of eLearning programs. These immersive learning technologies educate learners on newly released tools or machinery. Learners engage with these systems from the convenience of their locations, learning about the mechanics and gaining familiarity with them without increasing risks. On the other hand, AI is used for data analysis, module design, and assessments that help understand the training programs’ effectiveness. Such assessments make room for continuous improvements in the eLearning programs.

Mobile Learning

Mobile learning, or m-learning, has gained traction since the pandemic—the need for training to be delivered online increased the usage of mobile learning solutions. The mobile learning market is expected to grow to more than $229 billion by 2027, making learning leaders invest more in mLearning. The eye catchy responsive designs, learning available at the time of need, and blend of instructor-led and self-paced learning are the icing on the cake. Mobile devices can access formal, informal, instant, self-paced, and social learning programs. Such adaptability is a significant factor in learning’s success in the competitive eLearning market.

Social Learning

Social learning or social pedagogy is a type of learning that follows learning from and with others. A social learning strategy may be implemented through both direct and indirect communication. Direct communication refers to meetups that take place face-to-face. Interactions on social media, online forums, and discussion boards are examples of indirect communication. Learning becomes more feasible as a group activity as individuals from multiple domains connect and share personal experiences. This helps in enhancing the communication and culture of an organization.

Learning at the Moment of Need

Learning at the moment of need is the most effective and efficient employee training and development method. It supports learning in the work flow, that is, in the employee’s daily work routine. This makes employees self-dependent and productive as they look for solutions during challenges. The moments of need could be when employees learn new things, analyze the breadth and depth of what they have learned when individuals come across a few unexpected challenges, and much more. Learning at the moment of need allows learners to connect the dots between their challenges to find a viable solution.

Analytics and Data-centric Learning

Data drives decisions when it comes to the training and development of employees. Calculating course completion rates, feedback forms, learner progress, personalized learning paths, social learning, surveys, customized lessons, etc., helps assess an eLearning program’s performance. In addition to this, it also provides a clear understanding of the employee’s strengths and weaknesses. By getting detail like these, learning leaders can devise customized training programs to provide personalized learning experiences to the learners at their preferred pace.

Apart from the eLearning trends mentioned above, implementation of LMS, soft skills training, upskilling and reskilling for the digital workplace, in-app experiences, and outsourcing of eLearning content development are a few eLearning trends that will take center stage in the year 2024.


The 2024 important trends focus on devising meaningful learning experiences for the modern workplace. By linking learning to career pathways, learning leaders can build a more robust, higher-performing workforce that can succeed in the modern world of work.

What kinds of patterns have you noticed emerge in eLearning this past year? Have they been beneficial to your organization? Which ones are significant, and which aren’t all that important? In what ways do you see eLearning evolving in the years ahead? Please let us know what you think in the comments.

Also, do not forget to check out Infopro Learning’s eLearning programs to empower your employee training and development in 2024.

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