Everyone knows that providing your employees with high-quality training content is great for business. Companies who invest in training can have as much as 24% higher profit margins than those who do not (1). This is one of the many reasons why providing quality learning experiences for employees is a high priority for many organizations this year.

However, it is only the first step. The training delivery method you choose is just as important as the content itself and using the flipped classroom method can help you level up your training delivery.

What is a Flipped Classroom?

The flipped classroom strategy is a new spin on blended learning. Blended learning became a popular method for training delivery because it models how people best learn. Blended learning is the concept of blending multiple training methods into one training program.

Blended learning is usually paired with the 70:20:10 framework where 70% of the learning should be experiential through a method such as simulations where employees can learn by doing and learn from their mistakes. 20% of learning should be social learning where they can learn from others and share experiences. This is done through training methods such as mentorship programs and team building activities. Only 10% of training should be formal which is usually instructor led.

Transforming Customer Education Programs for the New World of Work

The blended learning concept breaks down how much employee training should be delivered in different learning environments and the types of training that are needed. However, the blended learning concept doesn’t cover the order in which the training should be delivered to maximize the effectiveness of your corporate training program. This is where the flipped classroom strategy comes in.

A flipped classroom strategy is an instructional strategy the reverses the traditional learning environment. This is done by delivering online learning materials such as reading, videos and other content that can be alone before they participate in instructor led training. This method maximizes the effectiveness of your training plan by allowing employees to learn all they can on their own first. This way they can come to the classroom to ask questions, discuss concepts with their peers and to receive guidance from the instructor.

How Does a Flipped Classroom Improve Training Delivery?

Flipping the classroom improves the blended learning strategy by allowing employees to use web-based training to support classroom-based learning. Employees learn the new knowledge and skills first. Then they can use the time during instructor led training more effectively to gain a deeper understanding of the material.

The flipped classroom has been proven to be effective. Instructors have recently reported a 12% average improvement of student test scores(2). Out of the instructors surveyed 71% said the method improved test scores (2).


Giving employees the opportunity to learn at their own pace on their own followed up by an in-person lesson empowers learners to learn at their own pace boosting engagement. The flipped classroom strategy can help you maximize the effectiveness of your training delivery and ensures that you are getting the most out of your training plan. To learn more about popular training trends and strategies read the eBook Training Trends for the 2020 Landscape.

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